Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessments, environmental documents and environmental reports

Environmental Impact Assessment is a document that reviews and analyze the relationship between a proposed plan and its surroundings. It relates to air, water and land pollution, noise and risk assessment.
Environmental Impact Assessments are part of the planning and building low, and integrate environmental aspects in the considerations and the decision process of the planning institutions.
Environmental planning is based on an integrated and multi-disciplinary view of the various environmental aspects. These issues are studied when planning land uses in the building committees and when implementing the environmental policy set up by the government and the local authorities.
Land is a scarce resource in Israel. As a result, land use planning is a process that requires a systematic study of the different angles and interactions between them.
Environmental Impact Assessments come to ensure a thorough analysis of environmental aspects of a proposed project, during the construction as well as the operation, and set up the necessary measures to prevent environmental damage and reduce it effects, so that it meets the standards and regulations set forth by the planning committees.
The study is used by the planning institutions to reach their decisions. It presents the environment effect of the proposed project and states the requirements from the entrepreneur in order to meet them.
Since our company "Y. Goldshmid" was founded, we prepared over 50 Environmental Impacts Assessments and hundreds of environmental documents and studies (see under clients) and presented them to the authorities.